LEEUWARDEN - "CrazyBrainConnection bestiet út tûke feteranen" Jacob Haagsma Leeuwarder Courant 17-10-2005
Op de site van Frieslandpop, onder het kopje nieuws, valt een verslag te lezen van het hele Liet gebeuren op zaterdag 15 oktober 2005
"Der wiene fan 't jier in soad ferskes dy't my wol noaskje koene. CrazyBrainConnection begong mei it lekkere 'Dieuwke', mei in tekst fan Rely Jorritsmapriiswinner Jouke Hylkema, alias Smots" Doar oktober 2005
En lees dan ook meteen dat stukje over De Barmhartige Samaritaan!
2 opmerkingen:
My blog, your microphone
Posted by Carl Zimmer I'm going to be part of two workshops in the space of a couple weeks that will deal with the intersection of blogging and science writing.
For a very enjoyable book to read, I definitely recommend 'Marcella: Princess or Pawn' which can be found at http://www.marcella.cc - you can even read the first chapter for free!
Torchwood Spins Off Who
The BBC announced that it has commissioned a spinoff series of its hit revival of Doctor Who for its BBC Three network.
Hey, you have a very informative blog here! Great job. I have a free science fair projects site. It pretty much
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